July 12, 2012

Ella's Birth Story

Our sweet baby girl didn't make it easy to come into this world.  Now that we are back in a rhythm it's time to share her LONG birth story...

Christina's Story
There were a lot of emotions on the morning of June 1st.  Since sweet Ella didn't want to make her arrival we had scheduled an induction for that morning.  In a way it was nice to plan out the arrival - we went to dinner the night before, there was no rush to the hospital and our families could plan accordingly.  In a way it wasn't nice because I could worry, think about how much our life was going to change, etc.  Regardless we showed up at the hospital that morning at 7am thinking we were going to have a baby that day.  We got settled into our room, they started the Pitocin and we waited for the contractions to start.

Our families arrived early afternoon and none of us knew how long they would really be waiting...hours and hours.  I got to visit with them pre and post epidural which was nice to help pass the time but I got to a point of uncomfortableness that I just wanted to be with Mikey.  Thankfully the nursing staff was super nice and they provided my family some blankets to keep them warm.  Mikey kept them updated via quick check in and texts.

I progressed fairly quickly on the Pitocin.  After a few hours the contractions were so unbearable that I couldn't take it anymore.  I was really nervous to get the epidural but knew it would help.  The nurses and Mikey were great getting me through the procedure and I felt sooo much better afterwards.  I was able to take a small nap...thank goodness I did because I was in a for a LONG night and HOURS of pushing!  Once I hit 8cm dilated things started to go downhill.  After each contraction, Ella's heart rate would drop so the doctor stopped the Pitocin I hoped that my natural contractions would help me progress to full dilated.  Unfortunately, that didn't work so instead of going right to a c-section (my doctor knew I really didn't want one) we tried an amnio-infusion which pumped fluid back up into the uterus to recreate the amniotic fluid because my doctor thought that the cord was wrapped around a part of her body and the fluid would loosen it.  It worked! After an hour or so they started the Pitocin again and I made it to 10cm and was ready to push.  Long story short, after three LONG hours of push I finally got to meet my sweet daughter.  We thought she would be a June 1st baby but she had other plans in mind arriving June 2 at 1:53am.

Unfortunately she had some breathing issues so they whisked her away to make sure everything was ok.  This was so scary because I was completely helpless.  I was stuck in the hospital bed and couldn't be there with her to comfort or console.  After a few minutes (seemed like hours), they got everything under control we were reunited.    

Our families were able to come back and meet her briefly before we moved to the Mommy/Baby suite. The whole time is a complete blur but I know everyone was so excited to finally meet her.  Over the next couple of days we had lots of family and friends visit her.  

Ella's Great Grandparents

 Mikey's Story

What more can be said that hasn't already?  Alot!!  Unlike most new fathers, I didn't have that "we're having a baby" moment where the phone call comes and you race frantically to the hospital.  Instead, as with most things in our lives, we planned accordingly.  The night before I worked out, had a nice dinner with Christina, watched some hockey.  You know, a standard Thursday night.  Except for one, glaringly different thing.  In 24 hours, I was going to be a Dad.  A Dad.  It still sounds weird to hear it.  I mean, my Dad's a Dad.  You know?  So I was pretty wired that night and didn't sleep very much.  When the clock struck 5:15am, I lept out of bed like I did the morning of a Wrestling tournament.  Gametime.  Let's do this.

The nerves were worst for me on the drive to the hospital.  Once we settled in the labor room, my nerves were replaced by genuine excitement.  What was going to happen next?  When was she going to make her appearance?  I quickly made myself comfortable with my surrounding and discovered that the room across the hall was stock full of popsicles.....FREE popsicles.  Let's just say that by the end of our time in the labor ward, I had eaten my fair share......if my fair share was 11 popsicles.

Labor, for me, was most exciting when Christina was most uncomfortable.  This is because when she was content, I was bored.  But once she got a contraction or felt some really strong pain, it was my signal to leap into action.  "What can I do?"  "Can I get you anything?"  Popsicles and ice chips were her only options and seeing as I was making frequent trips to the freezer, I was very timely with those.  Having family arrive and come in the labor room made the time go faster for sure.  It also gave me a chance to wander the halls and get a change of scenery.  I made quick friends with the nurses by bringing a dozen donuts to them.  This came in handy as they were the gatekeepers who had to open the door each time time I walked our guests back to the room....and this was often....very often!!!

Once we hit late afternoon I began to wonder exactly when our sweet child would grace us with her presence (if you can sense sarcasm there it's because I'm laying it on....thick).  In my head, I'd be a Dad by 7pm.  But it was getting later and guess what....nothing.  A man can only eat so many popsicles.  Am I right?  But my patience paid off.  Just before 11pm, I heard those magic words: "The cervix has completely disappeared.  It's time to push."  Remember what I said earlier about my most exciting times during labor?  Well, Christina was about to get unbelievably uncomfortable.  Which meant, exciting times for this guy!!

I made the mistake of asking how long the average pushing lasts (about one hour).  As you saw from Christina's post, this made for a much longer experience for me.  Each minute that ticked past the first hour felt like an eternity.  But, I had a job to do.  Hold that right leg and coach, coach, coach.  I shouted things like "Good job" and "Go Go Go."  I also had a few motivational phrases that didn't fly.  Believe me, my wife made it very clear which ones were not working.  In between contractions I supplied the oxygen and a damp cloth to Christina.  By minute 20 we were a well-oiled machine.  There was no stopping us now.

For me, the actual birth was something I'll never forget.  I saw everything.  And when I say "everything" I mean EVERYTHING.  And, I wouldn't change a thing.  It was awesome.  I saw her lil' head poke out at one hour into labor.  Then I saw her forehead when she got a bit closer.  Once she crowned, it was a complete roller coaster ride.  It happened so fast that all I can remember were the coloers.  Reds and blues and purples and slime and........then I saw her.  Wow.  She was here.  She looked like an alien.....but she was here.  I cut the cord and watched her being toweled off and handed to her Mommy.
Her breathing issues are documented above so let's just say that those were tense times.  Deep down I was a wreck but I made sure to display confidence while Christina was lying helpless on the bed.  I had a talk with the doctors and watched my baby's breathing become more and more normal.  Then I realized, in all of the confusion I hadn't had my "moment."  That "moment" that everyone talks about.  So I knelt down, and stared at her through the clear plastic crib.  Then, it happened.  I had my "moment."  She turned her head, opened those huge eyes and stared right through me.  I mean, right through me.  I know that I appeared as a giant blob to her, but to me, this was it.  I cried uncontrollably.  This was my baby.  My little girl.  I get to raise her, to see her become a lady.  It all hit me at once and if felt awesome.  I was a Dad.  My life would never be the same.  How lucky was I?

You've head both our versions.  After the crazy 24 hours we had lots of family and friends come visit our sweet baby.

I'm so happy we are able to share our birth story with friends and family.  We were excited to head home with our little one and start our life as a family of three.  Ella was ready to leave too...she's saying "Peace out hospital...I'm heading home!"

1 comment:

  1. Great detail... Glad you guys took time to record your stories! Hooray for sweet Ella!
