Christina's Story
The weekend of my brother's wedding was also the weekend I knew I would find out if we were pregnant or not. After the rehearsal dinner I asked Mikey if he thought I should take a test. He said not too because he wanted me to enjoy myself and not be upset if the test was negative. I spent the rest of the weekend having an amazing time with family and friends celebrating. Sunday morning after the wedding I was not feeling well. I instantly woke up to a hangover (or what I thought was a hangover) and needed Advil, water and greasy food ASAP. I could smell my dad's breakfast potatoes cooking and new that's just what I needed. At this time I still didn't think I was pregnant but then something happened that made me a little suspicious. Mikey put some ketchup on the plate and the smell of it hit me and I thought I was going to be sick. Part of me thought it was a hangover but the other part was thinking...could it be? After eating one of my dad's famous omelets we headed back to DC. All I wanted to be back home in my bed nursing the hangover. About half way into the trip I was feeling much better which of course had me thinking so more...my hangovers usually last all day, sometimes days...no way my dad's eggs are the miracle hangover cure. I decided that when we got home I was going to do a quick pregnancy test. The timing was perfect. Mikey was in the shower so I quickly went into the other bathroom, peed on the stick and waited...and waited. And then there it was, it said PREGNANT. I immediately wanted to share the news with Mikey. I peaked my head in the bathroom and just smiled at him. He finally got out of the shower and I handed him a Target bag. In the bag were two onesies both saying something about "daddy" and the positive pregnancy test. It didn't go exactly as planned...I was hoping he'd take out the onesies first, ask who they were for and then see the pregnancy test but instead he found the pregnancy test. His reaction was priceless...he looked at me and said, is this a joke and I said no...I'm pregnant!
Mikey's Story
We had just gotten back from Allentown for Jeffrey's wedding, and I was tired. It was a football Sunday so my plan was to take a quick shower then relax all day. Well, that quickly changed when Christina opened the bathroom door. I saw her and asked what she was up to. With a devilish grin she replied, "nothing." I know my wife quite well, so I was certain she was hiding something. When I entered the bedroom, Christina as holding a plastic bag, still sporting a look of mischief. She said, "I forgot that I got you a gift this weekend when I was out shopping." Excited, I reached into the bag and grabbed the first thing I felt. Little did I know that what I was about to see would change our lives.....forever! My eyes zoned in on a plastic stick that I was not too familiar with. After turning and twisting it to figure out what I was holding, I saw it. In big, bold, capital letters I saw the word; PREGNANT. Pregnant. I immediately looked at
Christina and stunningly asked, "Are you serious?" She looked at me with those big, brown eyes and said, "Yup. We're having a baby!!" I hugged and kissed her repeatedly. All the while continuing my disbelief, but obvious excitement. She told me that there were more
presents in the plastic bag. I then pulled out two infant onesies. One said "I Love My Dad" and the other said "I Melt My Daddy's Heart." What a day! What a great moment......one that I will never forget.

Ultimately what we both thought was a hangover was actually pregnancy symptoms - morning sickness mixed with dehydration and lack of food. After seeing the positive test, we were filled with lots of emotions and so excited that we were expanding our family!
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