When I was pregnant with Ella I spent the last part of my pregnancy working on a project at work that involved lots of music and hearing the same music over and over again. There were a few songs that would get Ella crazy in the womb. One song in particular was the band Fun.'s We Are Young. Well now that she's here it's one of the few songs that will actually calm her down...especially in the car. I've been trying to capture this because it's amazing how once she here's the song she calms down. Both Mom and Dad are sick of the song but when you're stuck in traffic on the Beltway you'll do anything to calm a crying baby. Here's the proof -
Follow our journey as the Scripps family grows - our adventures, milestones, lessons learned and everything in between.
September 27, 2012
September 26, 2012
Ella's First Time Painting
One of the things I love about Ella being in daycare is the exposure she has to lots of different activities. She loves her Thursday music class and this week she got to do some "art" projects. They got all the babies down to their diapers and let them go to town with paint (for everyone wondering it's baby safe paint). Ella is the youngest baby so she really didn't do much but lay there. Here's what she looked like when she was done.
September 24, 2012
Holding Her Own Bottle?!?!
Someone is becoming a big girl right before our eyes. The other day we were giving her a bottle and she decided she wanted to hold it herself. She couldn't hold it for very long but she definitely tried for a few seconds. I can't believe how much she is growing and developing. Our little girl is getting too big too fast.
September 20, 2012
The Water Dump
As I've mentioned before Ella loves the tub. We only give her one a few times a week so it's a real treat for her. The other night we decided to see how she would handle a little water being dumped on her head. She was completely shocked, a little scared and then ok with it. She makes some very funny faces during it! Take a look for yourself. We can't wait to put her in the water when we go to Florida in a few weeks.
September 18, 2012
Belly Laughs
Ella has been all smiles the last few days and we even have gotten some laughter moments. My favorite are her belly laughs. She usually only laughs that hard when her Daddy is around. She loves when he's silly. The most recent one is her thinking his sneezes are hysterical.
NOTE: She only lasted in this outfit ten minutes...it's been the trend lately...at least two outfits a day.
Vote for Ella!
So I am totally being that mom that has entered her daughter in
multiple photo contests. I can't help it, I think she's the cutest
thing you've ever seen and totally deserves to win. I was hoping I
could get our friends and family to help in this one contest. I entered her in the
American Baby cover photo contest. Here's the photo I entered.
How stinkin cute is she?!?! Please vote for my sweet pea here. You can vote once a day, every day for the rest of the week. If she wins this week she could have the opportunity to appear on their cover. Right now she's in 389 place...long way to go to number one. Thanks for your help!!!!
How stinkin cute is she?!?! Please vote for my sweet pea here. You can vote once a day, every day for the rest of the week. If she wins this week she could have the opportunity to appear on their cover. Right now she's in 389 place...long way to go to number one. Thanks for your help!!!!
September 17, 2012
We survived!
Ella and I survived last week...lots of challenging firsts last week but we survived. Ella did so well during her first full week at daycare (and I handled it a lot better than I thought I would), I managed to not screw up my first week back at work and we survived having Mikey gone all week. It's was a LONG week but we did it. I can get through anything after going through last week. This is how I felt Friday night...EXHAUSTED!
Special thanks to my mother-in-law (aka Grammy) for helping out Sunday and Monday! It was nice to have at least one home cooked meal that week. And she was a big help when I woke up Tuesday morning and Miss Ella had pooped everywhere...and I mean EVERYWHERE!
Special thanks to my mother-in-law (aka Grammy) for helping out Sunday and Monday! It was nice to have at least one home cooked meal that week. And she was a big help when I woke up Tuesday morning and Miss Ella had pooped everywhere...and I mean EVERYWHERE!
September 14, 2012
Ella in the Mornings
Ella is so much fun in the mornings when we go get her. She is all smiles and giggles. It is one of my favorite parts of the day with her.
September 11, 2012
All Laughs with her Daddy
We are missing Daddy terribly this week (he's gone all week in Dallas for a business trip) but I keep playing this video for Ella and she's all smiles hearing his voice. She absolutely LOVES the mirror and only her Daddy can get those belly laughs.
September 8, 2012
Busy Week
We had a very busy week in the Scripps' house. Ella started daycare - she will be coming with me to work every morning at Discovery's in house daycare. Her teachers are amazing and since she's one of only two girls in her class she gets lots of extra attention. :) We were lucky that we could transition her for a few days this week before I go back to work full time. She was all smiles each day that I took her. On Thursday, I was able to sit in on a music class she went too. She didn't know what to make of all the music.
Also this week Ella finally got to her friend Nate. Nate's mom and I have worked together for the last six years and her twin daughters were the flower girls in our wedding. Nate and Ella are only a week apart. They are fast friends already.
September 7, 2012
Let's Gooooo....
...Mountaineers!!! Ella cheered on my alma mater this past weekend. I had to add the bow because she keeps getting mistaken for a boy. There's no dying she's a girl with that adorable bow!!!
September 6, 2012
Like Mother...Like Daughter...
A couple weekends ago we attended a wine festival and brought Ella along. She wanted to partake in the festivities. Taking after her mother! :)
September 5, 2012
Busy Weekend for the Scripps
We had a busy weekend in the Scripps house. My parents came for a visit to help us prepare for me getting back to work...they spent lots of time with Ella....
We were sad to see them go but excited we will see them next month when we meet them in Florida!!!
And to end our wonderful weekend we headed to our friends Lisa and Lee's house to meet their newest addition Brooks! Ella had so much fun meeting her new friend. Our gatherings with the Baders are definitely different with dueling crying babies and taking turns eating but still soo much fun!!! We can't wait for the first Bader Scripps vacation post babies. Those too will be very different but so fun.
We are taking bets on how long it takes Brooks to beat out Ella in height and weight (he's already almost as long as her). They are 10 weeks apart so we'll have to see in a few more months.
It's so nice to have such good friends going through the same life change! Can't wait to share lots of memories of our kids growing up together.
September 4, 2012
Milestone: Rolling Over
Last week Ella decided she wanted to start rolling over. I kept trying to catch it on video but every time I would turn my head she would roll over but I finally caught it on video. Check her out. Each time I watch this I find myself cheering her on.
Trying out the Bumbo
A little recall isn't going to stop Ella from trying out her Bumbo. She loves it! Her head and neck control has gotten so much better.
***Disclaimer - We did order the recall kit which includes a safety harness. We keep a close eye on her and don't put in the Bumbo on raised surfaces. :)
September 3, 2012
What a Cutie!!!!
Ella has been very expressive lately showing us lots of smiles and a few laughs. We've noticed her trying to "talk" to us...and of course we chat with her like she understands what we are saying. She's at such a fun age!!!
September 2, 2012
Three Months Old!
It's hard to believe this little sweet pea is three months old already. She gets cuter and cuter everyday! We are loving every moment with her!!!
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